
Come Back, Be Here - Taylor Swift

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You said it in a simple way
4 am the second day
       Bm                                            G
How strange that I don't know you at all
We stumble through the long goodbye
One last kiss then catch your flight
Bm                                            G
Right when I was just about to fall

I told myself don't get attached
But in my mind I play it back
             G                     A                         D
Spinning faster than the plane that took you
This is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
                         G                              D
Come back, be here, come back, be here
I guess you're in New York today
I don't wanna need you this way
                         G                              D
Come back, be here, come back, be here
The delicate beginning rush
The feeling you can know so much
Bm                                       G
Without knowing anything at all
And now that I can put this down
If I had known what I know now
   Bm                                              G
I never would have played so nonchalance
Taxi cabs and busy streets
They never bring you back to me
          G                        A                        D
I can't help but wish you took me with you
This is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
                          G                             D
Come back, be here, come back, be here                
I guess you're in London today
And I don't wanna need you this way
                         G                              D
Come back, be here, come back, be here
     A  Bm   G
Ahhh  Ahh  Ahh
    Bm               D                          A
This is falling in love in the cruelest way
Bm                     D                        A             Bm
This is falling for you when you are worlds away
              A           G                   Bm    
In New York, be here, but you're in             
          A                       G
London and I break down cause it's not fair
That you're not around
This is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
                         G                             D
Come back, be here, come back, be here               
I guess you're in New York today
I don't wanna need you this way
                          G                              D
Come back, be here, come back, be here
       A                                                 Bm
Ahh ohh, I don't want to miss you like this
Ahh ohh
D                       A    Bm                     G
 Come back, be here, come back, be here

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2 commenti:

  1. B D A??? non potevate scrivere do sol mi ecc... non ci capisco niente...help!!!!

  2. Chiedi scusa se sono stati creati problemi di comprensione. Gli accordi sono scritti con le notazioni internazionali per facilitare la lettura. I tuoi stessi problemi sono stati incontrati da tutti all'inizio, è solo questione di abitudine, basterà poco tempo per abituarsi a questa notazione. In ogni caso, tenendo presente che minori # b ecc. rimangono uguali, le note sono le seguenti:
    C= DO
    D= RE
    E= MI
    F= FA
    G= SOL
    A= LA
    B= SI
    Grazie per l'interesse e a presto


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